Reduced Glutathione in ReadiSorb
August 28, 2017
A common question about ReadiSorb Glutathione is if the glutathione in our product is reduced. Yes, in doing our research we work with a laboratory that takes the initial step of carefully opening the liposome. The laboratory is registered for studies with the FDA and we use their work to verify that each batch of ReadiSorb® Liposomal Glutathione contains the labelled amount of reduced glutathione both at the start and at the two year shelf–life of the product.
In addition to the laboratory data, we wanted assurance that we provided a product containing available and functional glutathione. The first study showing this was conducted in the Aviram laboratory in Haifa at the Technion in Israel. They showed that RLG provides reduced glutathione (rGSH) for glutathione peroxidase in human blood in vitro and dramatically lessened the amount of oxidized LDL(1). An additional study showed dramatic benefit in slowing atherosclerosis in the ApoE knock out animal model of atherosclerosis. This model showed that RLG decreased atherosclerosis by 30% and increased HDL triggered macrophage related efflux of cholesterol by 78% (please note the 19% noted in the abstract is a typo! – see pg e65).
Gail Zeevalk, Phd noted that ReadiSorb Glutathione was 100 times more efficient in restoring GSH to brain cells in cell culture that had been depleted of glutathione (2). Additionally, Dr Zeevalk noted that all of the glutathione in RLG is contained inside the liposome and is not released until incorporated into cells. We are not aware of any other products showing this efficiency.
Additional function in noted in the cell studies noting that RLG is 1,000 times more efficient than N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) in restoring glutathione and glutathione related function in cells from individuals with HIV (3). This is significant as individuals with HIV have been shown to have loss of expression of the enzymes needed to form glutathione (4) (5).
Three clinical studies document the ability of ReadiSorb® Glutathione to safely restore glutathione in cells and plasma (6) (7) (8). Please notice the effect that low glutathione has on cytokine function in these studies. An additional study in T2DM also demonstrates the Th2 predominance that occurs with low glutathione (9).
- Rosenblat M, Volkova N, Coleman R, Aviram M. Anti-oxidant and anti-atherogenic properties of liposomal glutathione: studies in vitro, and in the atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Atherosclerosis. 2007;195(2):e61-8.
- Zeevalk GD, Bernard LP, Guilford FT. Liposomal-glutathione provides maintenance of intracellular glutathione and neuroprotection in mesencephalic neuronal cells. Neurochem Res. 2010;35(10):1575-87.
- Aviram M, Rosenblat M. Oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease: role of oxidized lipoproteins in macrophage foam cell formation and atherosclerosis. In: Redox-Genome Interactions in Health and Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker Incorporated; 2003. p 57-90. Chapter 25.
- Morris D, Guerra C, Donohue C, Oh H, Khurasany M, Venketaraman V. Unveiling the Mechanisms for Decreased Glutathione in Individuals with HIV Infection. Clin Dev Immunol. 2012;2012:734125. PMCID: 3254057.
- Morris D, Guerra C, Khurasany M, Guilford F, Saviola B, Huang Y, et al. Glutathione supplementation improves macrophage functions in HIV. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2013;33(5):270-9.
- Kern JK, Geier DA, Adams JB, Garver CR, Audhya T, Geier MR. A clinical trial of glutathione supplementation in autism spectrum disorders. Med Sci Monit. 2011;17(12):CR677-82.
- Ly J, Lagman M, Saing T, Singh MK, Tudela EV, Morris D, et al. Liposomal Glutathione Supplementation Restores TH1 Cytokine Response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in HIV-Infected Individuals. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2015;35(11):875-87. PMCID: 4642835.
- Valdivia A, Ly J, Gonzalez L, Hussain P, Aing T, Islamoglu H, et al. Restoring cytokine balance in HIV Positive Individuals with Low CD4 T Cell Counts. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2017.
- Lagman M, Ly J, Saing T, Kaur Singh M, Vera Tudela E, Morris D, et al. Investigating the Causes for Decreased Levels of Glutathione in Individuals with Type II Diabetes. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0118436.